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Path: » The Playak Factor » Sam Mauldin » 2016
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Discipline: All - Whitewater Kayak - SUP - Fish

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The Playak Factor - Sam Mauldin 2016

Sam Mauldin

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Playak Factor May 2016: 0 points.

Relative: 0.0% of top scorer. Average: 0.0 points per day.

Brands: Hala

Date Category Site Headlines
May 26 Social ... ...
May 24 Social ... ...
May 23 Social ... ...
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May 11 Social ... ...
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May 8 Social ... ...
May 7 Social ... ...
May 6 Social Instagram With the moon shining bright as day, it lit up our campsite for one of the coldest nights of the trip. We are guessing it dropped to somewhere in the low 30s. This is 1 of the 970 frames I caught from my favorite GoPro nightlapse to date. #StandOnTheRioGrande
May 5 Social Instagram I've been getting a lot of questions on how we managed to filter water along the trip considering how polluted it is with pesticides, livestock run-off and heavy metals that a regular filter cannot extract. Our secret was a product called PURINIZE @purinize.waterpurifier PURINIZE is a natural mineral-based water purifier that disinfects and clarifies questionable water without added chemical disinfectants, making it safe to drink and use. Its proprietary formulation of flocculating and coagulating mineral salts reduces bacteria, viruses, and protozoa as well as heavy metals, industrial and agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals, and more. We had two 5 gallon collapsible jugs we would fill each evening when we set up camp. We would add the appropriate amount of PURINIZE and then let it sit for approximately eight hours. We would then wake up in shifts at different times of the early morning to start running it through my 12lt @lifestraw_ filter that hung from what I thought was a pretty clever tripod. This product was our ace in the hole because if we wouldn't of had it 1 we obviously wouldn't of had good water and 2 the Park services wouldn't have approved our permits. And that my friends, is how we stayed hydrated for seven days on the Rio Grande #StandOnTheRioGrande
May 5 Social Instagram One of my favorite campsites of the trip was on night two with Santa Elena canyon in the backdrop. When it comes to expedition paddle boarding I usually go as lightweight as possible, the one heavy item I'll take is my two-person tent. I like being able to have all my gear in with me incase of bad weather or fear of something disappearing over night. As far as drybags go I'm completely sold on the @seatosummitgear hydraulic bags with straps. They're tough as nails and even have loops for your tie downs to secure it tightly to the sup for bad portaging or white water. #StandOnTheRioGrande
May 4 Social Instagram Gear and food was essential on this expedition and everything we brought along worked flawlessly. @mtnhouse meals were delicious and even after seven days of chowing down on it we still couldn't get enough. A couple of the guys from the team are even asking if I have any granola with blueberries left over lol! This is breakfast on morning 1 when my cooler (@canyoncoolersofficial) was still shiny and clean along with intact stickers. It worked exactly like I needed it too as a seat when I was tired, easy access storage for camera gear and food and as the kitchen table for camp. Huge thanks to our sponsors that made this journey possible. I'll post more over the next couple of days explaining more on gear, as in water treatment and purification, GPS transponders, sleeping bags, eyewear and storage we used #StandOnTheRioGrande
May 4 Social Instagram Passing Smugglers Cave through Santa Elena Canyon in @bigbendnationalpark at about the 15 mile mark of our 100 miler. Contact me via DM, email or FB (link in bio) for info on SUPing this river #StandOnTheRioGrande
May 3 Social Instagram My tent view on morning 4 of #StandInTheRioGrande
May 2 Social Instagram The PTD (post trip depression) is setting in rather hard today. It's difficult to explain what we went through over the last week, from approximately 15 miles worth of portages and dragging our sups over large boulders to fighting sickness for the majority of the trip and everything else that goes into a self-supported expedition in a very remote wilderness. There's something about suffering and being completely out of your comfort zone that makes a journey all the more memorable and extremely satisfying. #StandOnTheRioGrande

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